

male sexual enhancer*

What ZemoMax can do for you?

ZemoMax supports increased NITRIC OXIDE production, which is essential for healthy blood flow, circulation, blood vessel dilation and the ability to achieve and maintain stronger, longer-lasting erections. Enhance delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscles and supports healthy adrenal gland function for better PERFORMANCE & STAMINA.
ZemoMax enhance neurotransmitter signaling to the reproductive organs to support increased SEXUAL DESIRE and healthy TESTOSTERONE levels for heightened sexual pleasure and satisfaction.
ZemoMax contain scientific ingredients that expand the capacity of the Corpus Cavernosum, the two cylindrical tissues inside the penis that fill with blood during arousal. This gives you BIGGER & STRONGER ERECTION than you would have ever imagined possible.
With ZemoMax, you will experience stronger, harder, fuller erections, increased sexual stimulation and response, improved stamina and endurance, and faster recovery time. You will also experience more energy, strength and stamina in general, for better performance at work.

with ZemoMax you’ll never worry again


Niacin (Vitamin B3):
Niacin also known as Vitamin B3 is a water-soluble vitamin that is not stored in the body, and therefore needs to be taken in our diet or supplements. A benefit of Niacin is increased mucus secretion, which can further enrich the sexual experience by increasing sensitivities and sensations throughout the body and not just the genitilia. Niacin may also aid individuals that experience difficulty in achieving orgasms.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is a libido enhancer because it helps in controlling elevated prolactin.It also aids in estrogen and testosterone function, as well as production of red blood cells, serotonin, and dopamine. For men with low sperm count Vitamin B6 has been show to help increase these levels.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is needed so that your body can manufacture red blood cells, support the normal function of your nerve cells and is an energy booster. Vitamin B12 heightens your sex drive, which enhances penile erection by enlarging blood vessels. It also stimulates secretion of histamine needed for orgasm.
Vinpocetine is a synthetic compound which was developed in the late 1960’s. While the compound itself is manmade, its source, vincamine, is completely natural. Vincamine comes from the leaves of the lesser periwinkle plant: a popular shade loving vine that is traditionally planted under large trees as ground cover. In Europe and Japan, Vinpocetine is considered a prescription drug that is used for treatment for a number of different ailments. In the United States and Canada, Vinpocetine is considered an herbal supplement and it can be found in health food stores and online as a dietary supplement. While Vinpocetine is generally considered to be a brain booster, there is some evidence that it may also work to help boost the sex drive. Much like Viagra, this compound helps improve blood flow by inhibiting the phosphodiesterase enzyme. While this increased blood flow caused by the compound is typically concentrated around the cerebral area, the general increase in blood flow might also help men achieve better erections.
Longjack allows you to enjoy the benefits of a testosterone boost without all the ugly side effects of exogenous testosterone replacement.
Longjack raises your body’s levels of free testosterone naturally. A large proportion of the testosterone that circulates in your body is bound by a protein call SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin).
Longjack’s active ingredients may capture and bind SHBG and therefore prevent SHBG from capturing circulating free testosterone.
Testosterone that is bound to SHBG is considered ineffective. Only free testosterone exerts the effects that are attributed to the hormone: one androgenic (masculinizing and sexualizing, both physiologically and mentally, and thus enhancing libido) and the other anabolic (building tissue, mainly muscle).
Longjack in sufficient dosage and concentration increases your testosterone level. And the increase in testosterone level leads to a high sex drive and libido, longer, harder and more spontaneous erection, improve muscle mass and strength and a boost in energy and vitality
Zinc (Zinc oxide):
Zinc is an essential mineral which plays several roles in cellular metabolism. It is involved in cell division, enzyme activity, and DNA and protein synthesis. Zinc is important for male sexual function because it controls the metabolism of testosterone at the cellular level and in the prostate gland. This is why high concentrations of zinc are found in semen.
Arginine Ethyl Ester:
Arginine Ethyl Ester is a new kind of arginine. It is technically an arginine derivative, so the effects will be similar to regular arginine. However, the presence of the Ethyl Ester in this product greatly increases its effects. Regular L-arginine has a severe limitation. It has very limited intestinal absorption so very little of it is actually utilized by the body. Because of its limited bioavailability, its effects on nitric oxide regulation, sexual arousal, and vasodilation are limited. Arginine Ethyl Ester is much, much more readily and easily absorbed and utilized by the body. Thus, you can take less of it, and the effects of the Arginine Ethyl Ester are much greater.
DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a steroid, a type of hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands, as well as by the brain and skin. It is the most abundant steroid in the human body, and it is the precursor to all adrenal hormones, which start to decline in both men and women at around the age of 25.
DHEA is converted into testosterone, which is known to enhance libido in both men and women. This helps to explain why so many people report heightened sexual desire after they begin taking DHEA supplements. But there may be more to DHEA’s enhancement of sexual desire and performance than simply raising testosterone levels. Because taking DHEA raises the levels of all adrenal hormones, it tends to make people feel more energetic, and enhances feelings of well-being in general. It also tends to improve overall heath, and anything that improves physical health and well-being is likely to reflect positively on one’s sexual health as well
GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid) is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body.
GABA is required as an inhibitory neurotransmitter to block the transmission of an impulse from one cell to another in the central nervous system, which prevents over-firing of the nerve cells.
It is also used for brain metabolism and to treat both epilepsy and hypertension where it is thought to induce tranquility in individuals who have a high activity of manic behavior and acute agitation. In combination with nicotinamide it helps with blocking anxiety and stress related impulses from reaching the motor centers of the brain.
Sexual Benefits of GABA: A lack of sexual desire or ability is a common problem and can be attributed to a number of causes. These include – Inadequate nutrition, excess levels of stress, poor sleep & low levels of GABA present in the brain.
GABA supplementation is able to counteract several of the above issues. GABA can help reduce a person’s stress levels, which in turn leads to higher levels of desire and ability. GABA can also aid with restful sleep which is essential for correct levels of sexual hormones in both men and women. Finally, if the root cause of sexual dysfunction is simply a lack of GABA present in the brain, taking a GABA supplement is one of the fastest ways to remedy the situation.
Horny goat weed:
Horny goat weed can provide a serious sexual boost. In men, the herb reputedly promotes sexual desire and sperm production, and has been used to treat sexual impotence.
Butea superba root powder:
Butea superba to be a potent inhibitor of c-AMP Phosphodiesterase which reacts directly at the corpus cavernosum in the penis enhancing blood flow to penis area leading to a more frequent, longer lasting, stamina, stronger male sexual arousal period. Butea Superba helps in treating early ejaculation. It contains flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides that helps cardiovascular function.
Tribulus terrestris extract:
Tribulus terrestris Is a very unique and potent natural herb. Tribulus supports an anabolic condition by enhancing testosterone, spermatogenesis, LH (lutenizing hormone), FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone), and libido. Tribulus increase the production of lutenizing hormone which lead to increased testosterone level. Tribulus Terrestris is reputed to support increased production of seminal fluid, not only by volume but by sperm count, at the same time supporting increased sexual performance.
Nettle leaves (Urtica diocia):
Nettle inhibits the binding of Testosterone to Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), resulting in lower levels of “bound” Testosterone and higher levels of “free” Testosterone (this effect occurs as a result of Nettle binding to SHBG in place of Testosterone). Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) production increases in tanderm with the Aging Process – SHBG binds to Testosterone, inhibiting Testosterone’s normal biological functions, resulting in the reduced Sexual Desire associated with the Male Menopause: Testosterone binds more strongly to SHBG with the progression of the Aging Process.
Ginger root powder:
Ginger Root has been used for centuries to help both men and women get back their sex drive, improving libido and even help halt premature ejaculation. Since the time of its discovery, ginger has been attributed to the ability to help spark sex drive, increase performance and improve duration of a rock hard erection. Combined with other natural ingredients in VivaMax , ginger root can help increase the level of testosterone and help increase blood flow and promote sexual excitement and desire.
Skyfruit is known as the queen of plants and knowledge of its healthful properties has been handed down from generation to generation to the present day. In recent years, skyfruit health supplement have been widely accepted by medical specialists and doctors in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.
Its consumers’ testimonials have made recognition of its core values to be one of the best health products among those available on the market today. Not only is skyfruit totally pure and natural, its health benefits make it an excellent food supplement for the human body. There are no known side effects even with long term use.
Active Ingredients of skyfruit may assist to revitalize sex drive*, rejuvenate sex life
and Increase energy*, stamina and endurance*
Hawthorn Berry:
Hawthorn berry is considered a tonic for the heart and is traditionally prescribed to treat irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, chest pain, hardening of the arteries and heart failure. In addition, hawthorn berry is used to improve digestion of fats and meats and contains vitamin C and antioxidants.
Two substances found in hawthorn berries—flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins (OPCs)—are believed to contribute to hawthorn’s beneficial effects on the heart. Flavonoids may help dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow, and protect the blood vessels from damage.
Additionally, both flavonoids and OPCs have antioxidant effects. Today, many healthcare professionals use hawthorn to help protect against heart disease and to help control high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Eleuthero Root:
Eleuthero Root, formerly known as Siberian ginseng, is particularly effective for athletes and can Eleuthero is one of the best documented plants in herbal medicine. Extensive studies conducted in China and Russia, compiled at the Harbin Research Institute, show that consumption of the root and its preparations enhances immunity, increases strength, stimulates sexual function, improves sleep, helps the body during times of oxygen deprivation, enhances cardiovascular function, improves overall athletic performance, and sharpens mental alertness boost energy, sharpen mental concentration and help improve strength and stamina.
Dodder Seed:
In traditional chinese medicine, dodder seed is known as a kidney yang tonic and is widely used to remedy sexual problems like impotence, nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, and low sperm count that arise from kidney yang deficiency. In general, it nourishes the kidney organ in the body, boosting energy levels. As such it is also helpful for others symptoms of kidney deficiency like low back pain, tinnitus, diarrhea, dizziness, and blurred vision. It also has a long history of use as a longevity herb. Dodder Seed helps treat impotence and premature ejaculation*, strengthens the prostate and helps decrease inflammation*, used to help tonify the kidneys*, an aid to anti-aging and promotes longevity* and strengthens sexual functions*
L-citrulline is a nonessential amino acid that improves the flow of blood throughout the body. It also boosts the reserve of nutrients the body requires to manufacture particular proteins. Naturally-occurring in the urea cycle, L-citrulline can be taken as a nutritional supplement to aid such conditions as mental fatigue, physical fatigue, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and sexual dysfunction. L-citrulline is converted to the amino acid L-arginine, which goes on to make another important substance nitric oxide. And nitric oxide is the secret to hard, firm, healthy erections.
Cayenne powder:
Cayenne Pepper is an herb made from the dried pods of chili peppers. Besides being a very popular spice in cooking, cayenne has also been used medicinally for thousands of years. High in Vitamins A, C, B complex, calcium and potassium, cayenne is a wonderful healing aid for the digestive system since it acts as a catalyst and increases the effectiveness of other foods and herbs when used with them. It is also very healing for the heart and circulatory system. Studies have shown that Cayenne can rebuild the tissue in the stomach and the peristaltic action in the intestines.
Sexual Benefits of Cayenne: Dilates blood vessels allowing increased blood flow throughout the body, especially the major organs. Increases heart action but does not raise blood pressure. Stimulates tissue growth and regeneration making the sexual organs stronger and more efficient for men and women. Aids in longer lasting erections, stronger ejaculations and more intense orgasms. Promotes all the secreting organs in men and women. High levels of vitamins A, B, C, iron, and calcium. It has magnesium, phosphorous, sulfur, and potassium.


Boost confidence*
Prolongs your sexual performance*
Gives you harder, longest lasting erections*
Arouses your sex drive and desire*
Increases your semen volume*
Enhances frequency of orgasm*
May enlarges your penis length and girth*
Improvement of premature ejaculations*

Safe, effective and natural product.
Available in 60 or 120 vegetarian capsules.

Serving Size: 2 Vegetarian Capsules  
Amount Per Serving                         % Daily Value
Niacin 20 mg 100 %
Vitamin B12 (as Cyanocobalamin) 100 mcg 250 %
Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine) 5 mg 1,666 %
Zinc (as Zinc Oxide) 30 mg 200 %
L-Arginine Ethyl Ester DI-HCl 250 mg **
Butea Superba Root Powder 50 mg **
Cayenne Powder 10 mg **
DHEA 25 mg **
Dodder Seed 100 mg **
GABA 50 mg **
Ginger Root Powder 25 mg **
Hawthorn Berry Powder 50 mg **
Epimedium Sagittatum 100 mg **
L-Citrulline 100 mg **
Stinging Nettle Leaves 50 mg **
Eleuthero Root Powder 100 mg **
Sky Fruit Seeds 150 mg **
Long Jack root Powder 100 mg **
Tribulus Terrestris Extract 100 mg **
Vinpocetine 5 mg **

Take 2 capsules daily with a full glass of water, or as directed by your health care practitioner.

* This information has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.